Ports and Terminals

State of SP studies new highway from the plateau to the Port of Santos, SP

Oct, 22, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202140

The State Department of Logistics and Transport is studying the feasibility of building a new highway to connect the São Paulo plateau and the Port of Santos, on the coast of São Paulo, to increase the capacity for cargo flow to the port terminals. Currently, the consortiums Bevenuto Modera Logit and Via Verde are responsible for the study.

State Secretary João Octaviano Machado Neto announced that the possibility of the new highway arose in view of the expected growth of the Santos port.  Analyzing the panorama, it was possible to conclude that the Anchieta-Imigrantes System (SAI) would not support the growth of cargo demand for the region.

“We analyzed this, and we saw that it would be essential for us to have a new highway connecting the plateau to the port so that we could meet the need for this intense demand that we will have in the coming years”, explains Neto. From this, an initial basic study of the ‘Linha Verde’, as it is called, was carried out, and further studies were necessary.

“In April, a public call was made, so that companies could present projects that already characterize the new connection. Two companies were accredited, and now we have a January deadline for them to present the studies to us,” he says. For the time being, the work plan of both has been presented, and studies have already started. According to the secretary, they have until January to complete the work.

Initially, the connection will connect the Rodoanel Mário Covas to the Left Bank of the complete port, on the Cônego Domênico Rangoni Highway, in Guarujá. However, consortia are free to present other solutions. After the delivery of the studies, more internal analyses will be carried out in order to define project feasibility.

“It [the study] will encompass the entire project, the layout, the highway’s capacity, geometric characteristics; in short, the project will contain everything, showing the best scenario for us to then solicit bids and auction the concession,” explains Neto. After the analyses, a public notice will be issued for the concession of the work and operation of the entire system.

Source: G1

To read the full original article, visit the link:

https://g1.globo.com/sp/santos-regiao/porto-mar/noticia/2021/10/19/estado-realiza-estudos-para-construcao-de-nova-rodovia-que-ligara-planalto- ao-porto-de-santos-sp.ghtml

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