
Cabotage shipping resumes growth

Nov, 03, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202142

Based on figures sent by its members, a quarterly survey by ABAC (the Brazilian association of cabotage shipowners), shows a recovery in the cabotage market in the third quarter of 2021  (July/August/September) from the slight fall that occurred in the previous year due to the pandemic and has begun resuming the regular growth seen in previous years. Container handling grew 21.5% compared to the previous year’s 3rd quarter, and the YTD figure has already surpassed the 1 million TEU mark, of which 900,000 TEU of from cabotage transport alone.

“We found that the 21.5% increase in this last quarter (compared to Q3 2020) was driven by feeder loads, which rose 47.9% compared to 2020, and by Mercosur, which rose 55.4%. But in there was a 2.8 decrease in Brazil, certainly due to the economic downturn”,  says Luis Resano, Executive Director of ABAC. He adds that YTD handling increased by 17.7%, due to domestic 7.2%, feeder 47.9%, and Mercosur 21.5%.

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