
Outsourcing of inspectors suffers setback in court

Nov, 05, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202142

The Ministry of Agriculture will have to cancel the technical cooperation agreements signed with 11 municipalities in Santa Catarina that allowed the temporary hiring of civil servants assigned by the city halls to perform activities that are exclusive to the position of federal agricultural fiscal auditor. A court decision also prevented the execution of new agreements of this nature and may set a precedent for the overturning of similar contracts in other states.

With a deficit of servers in the area, the measure could affect the continuity of inspection and production services in Santa Catarina. The decision prevents the opening of new slaughterhouses, according to the ministry.

Notified after the final and unappealable decision of the public civil action proposed by the Santa Catarina Public Ministry, the Ministry will have to undo agreements with the city halls of Herval d’Oeste, Seara, Chapecó, Ipumirim, Joaçaba, Itapiranga, São Miguel do Oeste, Capinzal, Colombo, Ipuaçu, and Irineópolis, some of which were just signed this year.

The agreements guaranteed the assignment of 13 veterinarians from the municipalities to work in the federal inspection service (SIF) in slaughterhouses under the supervision of a fiscal auditor. Professionals were responsible for ante- and post-mortem operations and for collecting official samples.

The cancellation should take place gradually, with the replacement of veterinarians by federal civil servants with public exams. The schedule established by the Ministry provides for the termination of the agreements by 2024. A technical note from DIPOA (the department of inspection of animal products) says that there would be a need to appoint two veterinarians in 2022, six in 2023, and five in 2024.

It is worth remembering that Santa Catarina is an important state for Brazilian exports of chicken meat.

Source: Valor Econômico

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