trade balance / balança comercial

YTD trade balance surplus up 30%, reaching US$ 58.72 bi

Nov, 16, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202144

The trade balance ended the second week of November with a surplus of US$ 58.72 billion in the year, up 30% by the daily average, compared to January to November 2020. The trade flow rose 36.9% in the same period, reaching US$432.90 billion. This month, the surplus is at US$ 219.2 million, decreasing 78% compared to the same period of November of last year, while the trade flow increased 53.7%, to US$ 19.79 billion. The data were released this Tuesday (16/11) by the Foreign Trade Secretariat (SECEX) of the Ministry of Economy.

According to SECEX, exports from January up to the second week of November grew 36% and totaled US$ 245.81 billion. Imports in this period increased 38.1% and totaled US$ 187.09 billion. In November alone, up to the second week, exports rose 44.2% and totaled US$ 10.01 billion. Imports totaled US$ 9.79 billion, up 64.7%.

Exports on the rise

This month, exports are increasing in all three sectors. The increase is 47.9% in Agriculture, which totaled US$ 1.61 billion; 12.3% in the Extractive Industry, which reached US$ 1.98 billion; and 57% in the Manufacturing Industry, which reached US$ 6.36 billion.

More imports

SECEX also registered an increase in imports in the three sectors in November, with increases of 74.2% in Agriculture, which added up to US$ 242.14 million; 243.2% in the Extractive Industry, with US$ 723 million; and 52.4% in the Manufacturing Industry, which reached US$ 8.41 billion.

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