Santos workforce - stevedores working at Libra Terminal
Ports and Terminals

Santos Container Terminals given green light to operate with 100% contracted workforce

Feb, 14, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201908

From March, the container terminals at the Port of Santos can use 100% of their own contracted workers following an original court decision from 2015. The decision, which may not stick, follows a battle between the Dockworkers Union (Sindestiva) and the Santos Port Operators Association (Sopesp) regarding the balance of workers that are free-lance and contracted workers.

Last week, an injunction that was requested by Sindestiva was granted which revoked the 2015 decision. However, this injunction has since been quashed; the vice president of the High Labour Court (TST) has argued that the 2015 decision must be followed to avoid insecurity in the port sector. Sindestiva warns that allowing 100% of contracted workers could cause mass unemployment at the Port of Santos.

In 2015 a TST ruling ended the 50/50 rule (50% contracted worker and 50% freelancers) and stipulated a gradual timetable for transition. Today terminals can work with 75% of their own contracted staff 25% free-lance, however this will change next month.

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