Outros 21 suspeitos são detidos na investigação da Operação Tritão
nov, 26, 2018 Postado pordatamarnewsSemana201846
Outras 21 pessoas estão sob investigação por suposta fraude relacionada a contratos no valor de mais de R $ 37 milhões (US $ 10 milhões) no Porto de Santos. A investigação da Polícia Federal (PF), conhecida como Operação Tritão, encontrou práticas como fraude, favoritismo, contratação não econômica, cobrança excessiva e cartéis entre empresas.
Fontes usadas
URL: https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/santos-management-team-under-investigation/
Santos management team under investigation
in Port News 09/11/2018
José Alex Botelho Oliva, the president of the Port of Santos, and six other port executives were recently arrested for alleged fraud linked to port tenders.
Mr Oliva was later exonerated by Valter Casimiro, the Brazilian Minister of Transport, Ports and Civil Aviation, although was immediately replaced at the head of Codesp by Luiz Fernando Garcia da Silva, the minister’s special advisor.
A further 21 people are under investigation in the cities of São Paulo, Santos, Guarujá, São Caetano do Sul, Barueri, Rio de Janeiro, Fortaleza and Brasília.
The latest moves form part of Operation Tritón, which is investigating the possible formation of cartels by organised crime deliberately to defraud tenders linked to computer services, consulting and dredging contracts at the Companhia Docas do Estado de São Paulo, which runs the port of Santos.
The Federal Police said that anomalies amounting to $10m are under investigation. This began in September 2016 when an adviser to the president of Codesp confessed to having already defrauded the company and planned to do so again.
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