Minerva Foods

Russia reopens the market for two more Minerva plants

Dec, 02, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202146

Russia announced on December 1st that it has re-qualified two more Minerva slaughterhouses – located in José Bonifácio and Barretos, both in the State of São Paulo – to export Brazilian beef to the country.

Two weeks ago, Russia had already re-qualified the Minerva unit in Mirassol d’Oeste (MT), which had been suspended. At the time, the Russians also qualified the company’s plant located in Rolim de Moura (RO).

With the announcement on the 1st, the number of beef establishments authorized to export to Russia rose to 19 after Minister Tereza Cristina’s trip to Moscow, in November. There are also 14 pork, 29 poultry meat, and 26 dairy plants on the list of those authorized to sell to the Russians.

Source: Valor Econômico

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