Company calls TCU to contest BTP lease extension due to government inspection omission

Dec, 03, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202146

The dispute for space in the Port of Santos intensified on November 29 with Bandeirantes Deicmar calling the TCU (federal audit court) against the extension of the lease contract signed by the government with Brasil Terminal Portuário (BTP).

The action is yet another imbroglio to be resolved by the Ministry of Infrastructure to put into practice the plan to occupy the port area defended by Minister Tarcísio de Freitas.

The dispute involves the definition of the division of spaces for fertilizer and container companies and the role of logistics giants.

In the document filed with the TCU, the company states that BTP does not comply with the rules of the contract signed in 2001 and that there was an omission in the inspection by the government, in this case, the Ministry of Infrastructure and ANTAQ (the national waterway transport agency).

According to Deicmar’s arguments, BTP by contract would have an obligation to move liquid bulk in the leased space but began to operate through containers.

“The public administration was silent on the inspection of the agreement, given that BTP did not comply with the minimum contractual movement of liquid bulk for three consecutive years, which requires the adoption of measures aimed at terminating the contract”, says the document.

Bandeirantes is asking for an injunction to halt the extension process in progress at the Ministry of Infrastructure and, at the end of the investigation, the termination of the contract between the Port of Santos and BTP.

Source: Yahoo Finance

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