sacas de café / coffee

ICO: Global coffee exports fell 4.4% in October

Dec, 03, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202146

World coffee exports totaled 9.68 million bags in October this year, 4.4% less than in the same month in 2020 when the international coffee trade reached 10.13 million bags, announced the International Coffee Organization (ICO) on December 2nd.

In the 12-month period ending in October, Arabica coffee exports totaled 81.29 million bags, an increase of almost 3% compared to the volume for the same period in the previous cycle. Exports of the robust type decreased by almost 4% in the same comparison, totaling 47.19 million bags.

In a statement, the ICO recalls that October was the first month of the coffee year 2021/22. At this time of year, the harvest begins in Vietnam, the largest producer and exporter of robusta coffee.

Source: Valor Econômico

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