Other Logistics

Chinese companies to compete for Salvador bridge project

Feb, 19, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201909

According to Reuters, China Communications Construction Co (CCCC) is preparing to participate in the auction of a bridge project. The project involves the construction and operation of a bride to connect Salvador and Vera Cruz city on the island of Itaparica. The company is currently in talks with a subsidiary of China Railway Construction Corp, to jointly bid for the US$1.42bn project.

The 12.4 km long bridge is part of a 35-year public-private concession contract, which also includes several associated stretches of roads. The project is still in its public consultation phase, and the organizers have not yet published a date for bidding.

The Chinese company is also considering a bid for the FIOL and Ferrogrão railway concessions, which the government plans to put up for concession either this year or early next year.

Reducing reliance on road transport

The government plans to reduce Brazil’s heavy reliance on road transport for getting cargo to ports by building more railways and getting current operators to invest in expansions as their concessions come up for renewal. By 2025, it hopes to double the share of cargo moved by rail from 15% to 31%.  The Ferrogrão railway will take ten years to build, and will run from Sinop in Mato Grosso state to Miritituba on the Tapajós river, where barges will carry crops for transshipment on the Amazon and out to world markets.  The FIOL railways will connect the farm belt to the North-South line and Atlantic ports, with a capacity to handle 8m tons of grains per year. 



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