drought damages soybean harvest

Brazil may harvest 142.05 million tons of soybean estimates Datagro

Dec, 23, 2021 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202149

The consultancy firm Datagro disclosed its third grain harvest forecast for 2021/2022, closely following its previous projection of 142.05 million tons for the soybean harvest. In November, the projection was 142.63 million tons.

The crop area, which is no longer being sown, is likely to reach 40.51 million hectares, representing an increase of 3.7% vis-a-vis the 2020/2021 harvest.

Compared to the July forecast, when Datagro predicted 40.57 million hectares, there was a decrease of just 0.1%. According to Datagro, soybean producers in Brazil are increasing their crop areas for the 15th consecutive year.

“For the time being, drier-than-usual weather conditions are expected in November and December in the South of Brazil, which led us to take partial losses into account”, says Datagro’s Grain Coordinator, Flávio Roberto de França Júnior.

“As a result, we had previously attributed fewer results to the three states of the region compared to the November report. However, part of these losses was offset by the increase in the performance projected in the center-north region.”

Source: Money Times

To read the full original article visit the link: https://www.moneytimes.com.br/pais-deve-colher-14205-milhoes-de-t-de-soja-aponta-3a-estimativa-da-datagro/

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