Oil and Gas

PetroRio submits plan for Wahoo oil project

Dec, 28, 2021 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202150

PetroRio has filed a declaration of commerciality and development plan for the Wahoo oil field in the pre-salt Campos basin with Brazil’s National Petroleum Agency (ANP).

Wahoo, in 1,400 m (4,593 ft) of water in the C-M-101 block, is thought to hold 126 MMbbl recoverable within a carbonate reservoir.

PetroRio plans a tieback of up to 35 km (21.7 mi) south to the Frade field FPSO, with the associated gas used for power generation on the platform.

Source: Offshore Magazine

To read the full original article visit: https://www.offshore-mag.com/field-development/article/14222790/petrorio-submits-plan-for-wahoo-oil-project-offshore-brazil

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