Ports and Terminals

Port of São Francisco do Sul sets historical record in 2021

Jan, 06, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202201

Products handled at the Port of So Francisco do Sul reached 13.6 million tons in 2021, making it the port’s best performance ever.

In comparison to 2020, there was a 14 percent increase. Last year, total product exports and imports totaled 11.9 million tons.

The data consolidate the port located at the north of Santa Catarina as the 7th largest in terms of cargo handling in a pool of 34 public ports in Brazil, and the first in Santa Catarina.

Imports accounted for 52% of cargo, or 7.1 million tonnes, according to data released this week by the port administration.

Steelmaking material, such as steel bars and coils, accounted for 3.9 million tons, while fertilizers and urea accounted for 2.5 million tons.

Exports, on the other hand, totaled 6.5 million tons (48 percent of the load). Soybeans were the most common product handled at the port, accounting for 5.2 million tons, followed by wood and cellulose, which accounted for 700 thousand tons.

The data includes handling at the public port and at the Tesc leased terminal.

Half of Santa Catarina load

Itapoá is a private port that is part of the port complex at Baía da Babitonga and only handles containers, a cargo type that São Francisco discontinued handling in 2017.

In case the handling operated at Itapoá (8.9 million tons) is added, the port complex of São Francisco do Sul would reach 22.7 million tons, representing 50% of all cargo handled by the ports of Santa Catarina.

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