Ports and Terminals

Portonave starts the year featuring new service

Jan, 10, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202202

Portonave terminal operated, on Saturday, January 8, the vessel Northern Delegation, part of the BRASEX connection service. CMA-CGM and COSCO ships sailing on the BRASEX route, which includes stops in Kingston, New Orleans, Houston, Veracruz, Cartagena, and Manzanillo, will now call in Portonave once a week.

The service will handle export cargoes, especially wood items, animal protein, furniture, and ceramic products. As for imports, the main expected loads are polymers, various chemical products, rubber, and its derivates. The BRASEX route represents a trade lane of strategic interest to shipowners, as the hub ports in Central America and the Caribbean provide connections all over the world.

As BRASEX I shifts its operations from Itajaí to Navegantes, the terminal will begin to concentrate container loads destined to be exported at the Port Complex Itajaí-Açu. The port of Navegantes is already part of the BRASEX II service, which operates in the same market.

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