
Vale partially paralyzes activites due to heavy rains

Jan, 10, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202202

The Vale company reported on Monday, January 10, that it has partially paralyzed train circulation on the Vitória a Minas Railroad (EFVM) and production activities in the Southern and Southeastern Systems due to the heavy rains that hit Minas Gerais. The company claims that the decision was made to ensure the safety of employees and the surrounding communities.

According to the mining company, there was no change in the emergency level in any of its dams, which undergo maintenance, and electronic equipment inspections 24 hours a day.

The EFVM was interrupted in the Rio Piracicaba-João Monlevade stretch, preventing the flow of material in Brucutu and in the Mariana Complex, in the Southeastern System, which have suspended production.

Still in the Southeastern System, Vale says that the Desembargador Drummond-Nova Era stretch is also paralyzed, but in the process of being reactivated, and that the paralyzation has not affected production at the Itabira Complex.

The production of all complexes in the Southern System has been temporarily halted due to the closure of parts of the BR-040 and MG-030 highways, in order to ensure the safety of employees and outsourced workers, as well as the infrastructure of the mining fronts.

Finally, the mining business claims that the Northern System is continuing to operate regularly, in accordance with the production plan, which accounts for the wet season’s seasonal impact. Vale stated that it expects to produce between 320 and 335 million tons of iron ore in 2022.

Source: Valor Econômico

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