Ports and Terminals

Number of ships in transit through the Port of Vitória grows 7.3%

Jan, 13, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202202

In 2021, a total of 2,148 ships crossed the Vessel Traffic Management Information System (VTMIS) area of the Organized Port of Vitória, a number 7.3% higher than the previous year (2,002 ships). The service accounted for 116,015 traffic control actions (berthing and unberthing, embarkation and disembarkation of pilots, etc.). In 2020, there were 126,906 actions.

Last year, 17 incidents, (breakdowns/mechanical and crew issues/nautical signaling problems) were recorded, on top of 23 cases of non-compliance with procedures (excessive speed, diving without Navy authorization, action outside the VTS regulations, etc. ), and 15 triggering of allied services (organs responsible for assistance/relief) to respond to occurrences.

As recorded in previous years, there were no navigation accidents. The system became operational in September 2017.

Located in Capuaba, Vila Velha, CODESA’s Operations Control Center (OCC) uses a modern vessel traffic monitoring and control system: the Navi-Harbour 4.6 3D. The sector is coordinated by Agostinho Sobral Sampaio.

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