
Port of Paranaguá leads soybean exports in December

Jan, 14, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202202

The Port of Paranaguá was the main exporter of soybeans in Brazil in December 2021. In total, 758,800 tons were shipped in the month, down 12% compared to December 2020. The port of Santos (SP) was in second place, exporting 527.4 thousand tons in the month.

Rio Grande (RS) came in third with 439.1 thousand tons, followed by So Luis (MA) with 284.1 thousand tons.

In December, Brazil shipped 2.712 million tons. The total volume reached 86.108 million tons in 2021.

Soy bran

In December 2021, the port of Santos was the largest source of soybean meal exports, sending 710 thousand tons of the by-product. The volume is 4% more than the previous year’s exports. With 357.6 thousand tons, Paranaguá came in second, down 12 percent, and Rio Grande came in third, up 19 percent, with 316.4 thousand tons.

Brazil exported 1.72 million tons of bran in the period. There were 944.9 thousand tons in the same period the previous year.


From January to December 2021, China imported 60.477 million tons of soybeans from Brazil. The volume is less than 1% lower than the 60.601 million tons in 2020, according to data from the Ministry of Economy’s Foreign Trade Secretariat (Secex). Brazil’s oilseeds are the most popular in the country.

Spain came in second with 3.592 million tons, a 27 percent increase over 2020. With 2.887 million tons, the Netherlands is in third place, down 11% year on year.

Source: Canal Rural

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