Ports and Terminals

Agents arrest eight suspects of organizing the transport of cocaine in the Port of Paranaguá

Jan, 28, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202204

Eight people were arrested this Friday, January 28th, during an operation that targeted a group suspected of organizing the transport of cocaine inside the Port of Paranaguá, on the coast of Paraná. The action was carried out by the Brazilian Federal Police and the Federal Revenue Service.

According to the federal agents, the narcotics were clandestinely loaded into containers and sent abroad without the shipper’s knowledge.

Agents served eight arrest warrants and nine search and seizure warrants in Paranaguá and Matinhos on the coast, as well as Piraquara in the Curitiba Metropolitan Region. The court of law also ordered the confiscation of property and the freezing of funds in bank accounts.

According to investigations, members of the group are suspected of providing privileged information about the location, routes, and cargoes to facilitate the loading of the drugs.

Furthermore, the police discovered that the suspects moved the containers to facilitate the loading of cocaine inside the port terminal yard.

According to federal authorities, the administration of the Paranaguá Container Terminal did not know about the group’s activities and helped the police in the investigations.

Those suspects will have to answer for transnational drug trafficking, criminal organization, and association with trafficking, with penalties exceeding 20 years in prison.

Source: G1

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