exportações de carne bovina

Standard operation takes meat-packing companies to court

Jan, 28, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202204

The Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA), which represent giants in the poultry and swine industries, such as BRF, Seara (JBS), and Aurora, filed on the 27th, a writ of mandamus against the standard operation carried out by federal auditors and agricultural inspector of the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service.

Initiated more than a month ago, the protest calls for career restructuring and salary readjustments and has caused important delays in the processes of production, import, and export of agricultural and livestock inputs.

In a statement, ABPA expressed its support to the category and stresses its belief in the right to protest, but points out that “keeping the flow of production regardless the establishment of a standard operation, which is currently harming the slaughter of livestock animals for domestic supply, as well as exports”.

The lawsuit aims to “avoid the accumulation of damages, which could lead to severe consequences to Brazilian consumers and international animal protein clients alike”, said the association.

Source: Valor Econômico

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