
Chinese vessels take shelter in EEZ to escape storm

Feb, 25, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201909

China requested the Argentine authorities permission for 257 vessels to take shelter in Argentine waters from an imminent storm last Friday, according to the Argentine Navy and the Argentine Naval Prefecture (PNA). These ships were fishing on the outskirts of Argentina’s squid-rich Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

The Ministry of Defense approved a measure to allow the Chinese vessels to come within about 100 nautical miles of the coast between the 24th and 26th of February, however, unless authorisation has been received activities such as fishing and research are forbidden. All vessels must keep their AIS (Automatic Identification System) and LRIT (Long-range identification and tracking) systems on at all times for monitoring by the PNA.

There is a growing concern for illegal fishing at the EEZ border. Last week, DatamarNews reported Chinese flag-bearer Zhong Yuan Yu 11 sank close to the outer limit of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

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