
Brazil started exporting more dried pulses to India

Feb, 10, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202206

Brazil’s exports of beans and dried pulses to India totaled US$101.7 million in 2021, more than doubling the previous three-year average. The total amount exported was 103 thousand tons.

Brazil’s most important pulse exports to India are cowpeas and brindle beans. The depreciation of the Brazilian real against the US dollar, India’s relaxation of import restrictions, and the availability of these beans in Brazil all aided this expansion.

In Brazil, these beans and pulses exported to India are not widely consumed. As a result, these exports do not affect domestic supply. On the other hand, exporting to India provides an important alternative income source for bean producers, who can reduce climate and market risks through diversification,” explains the agricultural attaché in New Delhi, Ângelo Queiroz.

Despite record exports, Brazil still participates little in the Indian dried pulse market accounting for 5% of the total imported.

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