Other Logistics

Grimaldi roro ablaze off Corfu

Feb, 18, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202207

A Grimaldi roro carrying 239 passengers and more than 50 crew caught fire off Corfu this morning (Feb. 18) leading to a swift evacuation with everyone accounted for.

The Euroferry Olympia was heading from Igoumenitsa in Greece towards Brindisi in Italy when a fire broke out, likely starting from a lorry onboard. The captain gave the evacuation order at 4.30 this morning.

Five vessels of the Greek Coast Guard were deployed with other ships in the area also joining the rescue mission.

In 2019 more than 500 passengers were evacuated when a fire broke out on an Igoumenitsa to Venice ferry.

Source: Splash247

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