Ports and Terminals

Soybean exports from the Port of São Francisco increase 81% in 2022

Feb, 22, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202208

In January 2022, a dozen ships that departed the Port of São Francisco do Sul took 134,900 tonnes of soybeans to Asia. The number represents an 81% increase over the same month last year when 74,550 tonnes of grain were exported. Most of these soybeans are from were stocked since the end of the 2021 harvest, whose start was delayed due to lack of rain, which is repeating itself in 2022.

The grains originate from crops in Santa Catarina, Paraná and Mato Grosso do Sul and arrive at the port complex in the North of the State, 50% by truck and 50% by rail.

“At the end of last year we invested in improving the internal railway structure of the complex, which increased our grain reception capacity by 25%”, explains the president of the Port of São Francisco do Sul, Cleverton Vieira.

“The sector that receives the trains, at the Solid Bulk Terminal, underwent an extensive revitalization that included the reform of the railway scale, as well as the leveling of the platform and the maintenance of the hopper, which is the structure in which the wagons are unloaded”.

57 thousand wagons

Every year, nearly 700 trains arrive at the port complex with soybeans and corn, whose main destination is China. These trains transport more than 3 million tonnes, half of Porto’s annual cereal exports.

On average, each train of the Rumo company has 80 wagons, which carry around 50 tons each. Thus, there are 57,000 wagons that unload grain in São Francisco, annually, through the rail corridor that connects Mafra, in the North Plateau of Santa Catarina to the Porto, in a 170-kilometer route.

SC’s largest exporter

The people of Santa Catarina harvest an average of 2.5 million tonnes of soybeans every year. Of this total, Santa Catarina exports around 1.5 million and industrializes 550,000 tonnes for the domestic market, while keeping the remainder in stocks from one harvest to another.

About 80% of all exportable soybeans from Santa Catarina are shipped through the Port of São Francisco, totaling 1.2 million tonnes.

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