Ports and Terminals

Areas STS11, SUA07 and PAR32 receive lease proposals

Mar, 29, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202213

ANTAQ received, at B3’s headquarters in São Paulo, the documents of the bidders who will participate in the auction for the lease of Terminal STS11 in the Port of Santos (SP) and Terminal SUA07 in the Port of Suape on Monday (28). Each of the two areas received at least one concession proposal by a company.

The STS11 area will mainly see the handling and storage of solid vegetable bulk. SUA07, in turn, will be responsible for handling and storing mineral bulk and general cargo.

Portos do Paraná, responsible for the tender of the PAR32 terminal, also received documentation from interested companies this Monday and will have a hands-on dispute.

The documentation consists of preliminary statements, representation documents, bid guarantees, and lease bids.

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