Ports and Terminals

Port of São Francisco do Sul: fertiliser imports increased 26% in 2022

Apr, 18, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202216

In this year’s first quarter, 632 thousand tonnes of fertilisers to be used in agriculture landed at the Port of São Francisco do Sul. This figure represented a growth of 26% compared to 2021 when 502  thousand tonnes of fertilisers were imported.

The largest cargo volume registered occurred in February when vessels unloaded 301 thousand tonnes of fertilisers. From January through March, 165 thousand tonnes landed each month.

The cargo that arrived at the port located in the North of Santa Catarina originated from Middle Eastern countries such as Oman, Iran, and Egypt, in addition to Canada and the United States.

Russia, which is now subject to trade restrictions as a result of its war with Ukraine, has historically had a low involvement in the flow of fertilisers through the Port of São Francisco do Sul.

“Despite the fear of agribusiness that the military conflict in Eastern Europe will bring the supply of fertilisers down, given the traditional role that Russia has had in supplying the product to Brazil,  the port of São Francisco do Sul expects to import more of this product in early 2022 thanks to partnerships with the Middle East and North America.”

The 632 thousand fertiliser tonnes that arrived at the Port of São Francisco do Sul in the first quarter of 2022 represented 6% of all Brazilian imports of fertilisers, reaching 10.4 million tonnes in the period. As the average price per tonne of fertilisers is around US$600, the import operations at the port mobilised the flow of US$380 million (around R$1.8 billion).

Landing preference

At the end of March, the Port of São Francisco management issued a resolution favouring ships carrying fertilisers’ docking.

The policy followed the Ministry of Infrastructure’s recommendations to secure the supply of the product amid the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Thus, landing operations are expedited to assure that these products will reach their final destinations in the countryside in time.

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