Ports and Terminals

Antaq to inspect solid bulk terminals in the Port of Santos

Apr, 26, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202218

In partnership with other organizations, the National Waterway Transportation Agency (Antaq) will inspect fourteen solid bulk terminals in the Organized Port of Santos, Private Use Terminals (TUP) included, between April 25th and 29th.

Antaq’s Operation Porto Limpo has several goals, including assessing the hygiene and cleanliness of port activities and verifying compliance with best practices in reducing the growth of synanthropic fauna (comprised of animal species that interact negatively with the human population).

During the entire week, the agents will inspect leased terminals that handle solid bulk in the port of Santos, as well as the port operators linked to these lessees and public pier operators. Moreover, as previously mentioned, TUPs in the area of jurisdiction of the Antaq regional unit and public roads located inside the organized port area will all be inspected.

Other agencies will also conduct inspections, including the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama), the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT), the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), the Brazilian Navy, the International Agricultural Surveillance Unit (Vigiagro), the Federal Revenue Service, the Santos Port Authority, and the municipalities of Santos and Guarujá.


Agents will use SFIS Mobile hygiene and cleaning checklists as a reference during the operation. In addition, Antaq will employ a support drone to assist in the inspection. In case of non-compliance, Antaq must issue a NOCI (Notification of Correction of Irregularity) or draw up an Infraction Act, informing the terminal. At the end of the inspection, the inspected party will receive the inspection report with a checklist breakdown.

São Sebastião

Port operators that handle solid bulk and areas managed by Companhia Docas de São Sebastião (SP) will also be inspected by Operação Porto Limpo.

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