Ports and Terminals

Codesa has a new president

Apr, 29, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202218

Companhia Docas do Espírito Santo (CODESA) has a new president. The engineer Bruno Fardin, who was the director of Planning and Development (Dirpad) of the company, took over the presidency in place of Julio Castiglioni. The latter resigned after successfully privatizing the docks.

Fardin’s name was approved at an extraordinary meeting of the Board of Directors on the morning of March 28, when Raquel Guimarães was also approved to lead Dirpad.

The Board of Directors meeting, chaired by Daniel Aldigueri, had a full quorum, with the presence of six counselors – Henrique Amarante da Costa Pinto, Davi Emery Cade, Mário Natali, Moacir Rezende Cordeiro and Paulo Vieira Pinto – and counselor Mariana Pescatori, for video conference.

Before ratifying the names of Bruno Fardin and Raquel Guimarães, the Board accepted the resignation requests of former president Julio Castiglioni and former director of Infrastructure and Operations, João Augusto da Cunhalima.

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