
Arab Potash Company plans to increase fertilizer exports to Brazil

May, 09, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202220

A delegation from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply (Mapa), led by Minister Marcos Montes, visited, on May 7th, the Arab Potash Company (APC) factory in Jordan and received the news that the company may increase its potash-based fertilizer exports to Brazil. According to the company’s CEO, Maen Nsour, the total shipped to Brazil could reach 1.2 million tonnes in five years.

According to him, the company should export 320 thousand tonnes of potash to Brazil in 2022.

APC produces over 2.4 million tonnes of potash per year. Jordan is the 7th largest producer of potash in the world.

See below the track record of Brazilian imports of fertilizers from Jordan from January 2021 to March 2022. These data are from Datamar’s market intelligence platform, DataLiner.

Brazilian Imports of Fertilizers from Jordan | Jan 2021 – Mar 2022 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

After visiting the site where the potassium is extracted, Minister Marcos Montes highlighted the quality of the fertilizer produced by APC. “We came here to see this impressive factory. We are making arrangements for it to continue supplying potash to Brazil,” he said, stressing the importance of Jordan’s cooperation with Brazil. During the visit, the CEO of Arab Potash Company announced that the company should soon open an office in Brazil to do negotiations with Brazilian importers more efficiently.

APC’s operations are located 110 km south of Amman, where the company produces four types of potash: standard, fine, granular and industrial potash. The Brazilian ambassador in Amman, Ruy Amaral, also participated in the visit.

Brazil imports about 85% of all fertilizer used in national agricultural production. In the case of potassium, the imported percentage is around 95%. Currently, Brazil is the world’s fourth consumer, and in 2021, Brazilian imports of fertilizers exceeded 41 million tonnes, which is equivalent to more than US$ 14 billion.

The Mapa delegation will still visit Egypt and Morocco in the coming days to discuss the supply of fertilizers and the expansion of investments in Brazil.

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