PAR14 licitação
Ports and Terminals

Antaq approves the leasing documentation for an area of the Port of Paranaguá

May, 09, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202220

Antaq recently approved the documentation submitted by Portos do Paraná regarding the bidding process of an area called PAR14, dedicated to the handling of solid vegetable bulk, in the Port Complex of Paranaguá. The 51-thousand square meters area shall receive R$ 50 million in investments through its bidding.

Portos do Paraná will conduct the bidding, as well as send the finalized process for analysis by the Brazilian Federal Court of Auditors (TCU) and set a date for the auction.

Moreover, the Technical, Economic, and Environmental Feasibility Study (EVTEA) and the documents required for holding a public consultation regarding the lease of PAR15, a district of the port destined for handling and storing solid vegetable bulk, were approved.

The 40 thousand square meters PAR15 area is expected to receive BRL 606 million in investments.

More on Antaq’s decisions below:

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