Ports and Terminals

Truck drivers’ protests for wage adjustments affect operations at Vitória

May, 17, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202220

The operations at the Port of Vitória are being affected after almost a week of stoppage. According to the truck drivers behind it, the protest resulted from the failure to comply with a 26% readjustment that should have happened at the beginning of the month, as it had been collectively agreed. The wage adjustment for autonomous drivers is due on May 1 every year.

The Companhia Docas do Espírito Santo (CODESA) informed that its “operations have been seriously impacted since the mobilization started, especially those involving solid bulk and container handling, representing 80% of the port’s handling.” Log-In, which operates the Vila Velha Port Terminal (TVV), did not wish to provide comments.

See below the track record of the cargo exported in containers via the Port of Vitória from January 2021 to March 2022. The data are from DataLiner.

Exports in containers via Port of Vitória | Jan 2021 – Mar 2022 | TEU

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

The trucks went on strike on the 11th. Álvaro Luiz Ferreira, president of the Union of Autonomous Road Transporters in Espírito Santo (Sindicam), says that the strike began after drivers discovered that companies were not adhering to the salary changes that had been agreed upon, despite a 26 percent price change in the category’s inputs, inflation, plus real gains, and an additional percentage owing to constant increases in diesel costs. According to Ferreira, roughly 30 carriers have signed the deal, with another 30 to 40 expected to sign soon.

Although the movement gained momentum after another increase in diesel prices, the union president assures that the stoppage has no direct relationship with the fuel cost. However, it is still part of what must be computed into the readjustment index. Ferreira says that negotiations with the companies began two months before May 1, and the start of the strike shortly after the rise in diesel prices was coincidental.

The Federation of Transport Companies of Espírito Santo (Fetransportes) was contacted but has not yet commented on the strike and the collective agreement.

Source: A Gazeta

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