Exportações brasileiras de açúcar
Sugar and Ethanol

Sugar and glucose syrup exports were over 636k tonnes until the 2nd week of May, down from 2021

May, 18, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202220

Brazil had exported 636.45 thousand tonnes in 2022 until the second week of May (10 working days), earning revenue of US$ 238.59 million, according to the Ministry of Economy’s Foreign Trade Secretariat (Secex) on Monday, May 16.

The 2022/23 sugarcane harvest in the Center-South of Brazil officially started in April. However, it is only at the end of the month and, mainly in May, that the largest output of the commodity is usually registered, according to market analysts.

Throughout the entire month of May 2021 (21 working days), sugar and syrup exports totaled 2.48 million tonnes, generating a revenue of US$810.73 million.

Analyzing the outflow of tonnes per daily average, Secex found that exports of sugar and molasses from Brazil totaled 63.64 thousand t/day, more than 46% lower than in May 2021 (118.22 thousand t/day).

However, the prices of shipments are more than 14% higher this month, with an average value per tonne at US$ 374.90/t.

Source: Notícias Agrícolas

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