Brazilian fertilizer imports / Importações brasileiras de fertilizantes
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Fertilizer deliveries fell 11% in the first two months of 2022

May, 18, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202220

Fertilizer deliveries to the Brazilian market totaled 5.73 million tonnes in the first two months of this year at a volume 11% lower than the same period in 2021 (6.44 million tonnes), according to a National Fertilizer Diffusion Association (Anda) release on the 17th. In February alone, 2.5 million tonnes were delivered,  down 17.5% compared to the same month in 2021.

Mato Grosso, the state leader in fertilizer deliveries, concentrates the largest volume in the period (31.2%), with almost 1.8 million tonnes. The state is followed, in order, by Goiás (803 thousand tonnes), Paraná (701 thousand tonnes), São Paulo (575 thousand tonnes), and Minas Gerais (480 thousand tonnes).

According to Anda, fertilizer imports, including those from Russia, which is at war with Ukraine, have continued to arrive in Brazil, although at a different pace. The geopolitical crises may have anticipated the movement of purchases of these inputs to prevent shortages, assesses the association.

“While there is no clarity concerning the consequences of the sanctions imposed on Moscow, [Anda] recommends evaluating the situation sparingly, as the scenario could change anytime, bringing either more benefits or challenges for fertilizer deliveries,” highlighted the entity.

According to Anda, the national production of intermediate fertilizers totaled 563 thousand tonnes in February, increasing 21.9% compared to the same month of 2021. In the first two months, Brazil produced 1.15 million tonnes, an increase of 17.8% compared to last year when the country had 982 thousand tons.

Imports of intermediate fertilizers reached 2.97 million tonnes in February, with a growth of 26.4% compared to the same month last year. In the first two months, the total was 6.23 million tonnes, up 19.1% over the same period in 2021, when Brazil imported 5.23 million tonnes.

See below the track record of Brazilian fertilizer imports from January 2021 to March 2022. These data are from Datamar’s DataLiner.

Brazilian Fertilizer Imports | Jan 2021 – March 2022 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

The Port of Paranaguá (PR) is the main entry point for fertilizers in the country. There, 2.09 million tonnes entered in the two-month period, a growth of 31.3% compared to 2021. The terminal accounted for 33.5% of the total imported by the country.

Source: Valor Econômico

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