Importação de diesel
Oil and Gas

Diesel import expenses went to new highs in April

May, 18, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202220

Brazil has never had to spend as much on imported diesel oil as it did last month. Keeping the domestic market properly supplied costs more than US$ 1.42 billion – R$ 7.18 billion at May 13th’s exchange rate on the 13th – according to the most recent data released by the Ministry of Economy. The figure surpasses the previous record by a margin of 14.5%.

In the more than 25 years of official records maintained by the Brazilian government, the mark of one billion dollars spent had only been exceeded on five other occasions – all of them between the end of 2012 and the end of 2014. Brazil took more than seven years to get back to this level. The record just broken had been undefeated since November 2012, when the country paid US$ 1.24 billion for 1.49 million m³ of diesel.

It is worth mentioning that the volume imported was not insignificant. In April alone, more than 1.53 million m³ of the product arrived at Brazilian ports, making it the 7th most important month in the history of Brazilian fuel imports. Furthermore, in the first four months of this year, more than 4.63 million m³ were imported from abroad, the second-largest amount for the period, surpassed only by the first four months of 2018 when imports reached 4.82 million m³.

Source: Biodiesel BR

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