Ports and Terminals

General cargo exports up 7% in Paraná

Jun, 20, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202225

General cargo exports through the ports of Paranaguá and Antonina registered an increase of almost 12% in May. This year, considering the entire month, 757,603 tonnes of products were shipped. Last year, this figure was 653,609 tonnes.

In the year to date, the increase was 7% compared to the same period last year. From January to May, operators loaded 3,410,844 tonnes of goods. In 2021, in the same period, 3,187,361 tonnes were shipped.

Behind only solid bulk, general cargo is the most important cargo category to the ports of Paraná. This category includes containers and vehicles, in addition to products in bags, bales, or unitized cargoes loaded directly into the holds of ships.

“What we have observed in this segment is that – in addition to the increase in general cargo exports – the products shipped here are also becoming more diversified,” says the CEO of Portos do Paraná, Luiz Fernando Garcia.

In 2021, from January to May, in addition to sugar in sacks, pulp, vehicles, and containers, in terms of exports, there was only one shipment of wheel loaders. This year, products such as winders-stretchers, vehicle bodies, corn flour (sacks), wood, paper, and wood fiber panels were also exported.

“In particular, these last products, that is, wood and derivatives, are items that are re-shipped on general cargo ships,” says Garcia.

HIGHLIGHTS – The volume of exported cargo in containers rose 8.16%, from 2,472,711 tonnes in the first five months of 2021 to 2,674,448 tonnes this year.

See below the monthly flow of imported and exported containers at the Port of Paranaguá from January 2021 to April 2021. The data below if from DataLiner.

Container throughput at the Port of Paranaguá | Jan 2021 – April 2025 | TEU

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

The increase in pulp shipment was even greater: 18%. From January to May last year, 278,216 tonnes of the product were shipped, while 328,320 tonnes of pulp were exported in 2022.

The third most exported product in the segment was bagged sugar in sacks: 268,897 tonnes, 109,000 tonnes less than last year.

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