Ports and Terminals

Port of Vitória conducts test maneuvers for new 12.5m draft

Jul, 08, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202227

After a maintenance dredging process in record time and without environmental incidents, the Port of Vitória resumed conducting test maneuvers to explore the new 12.5m draft in the Vitória Channel. In practice, ships can enter or leave the coastal area with a greater cargo volume.

The president of CODESA, Bruno Fardin, highlights that the removal of the draft restriction is a huge gain: “The resumption of maneuvers is an achievement of the entire CODESA team. A competitive draft is the lifeblood of a port that seeks to be among the best,” he said. In addition, Fardin anticipated that the Port of Vitória will still seek extra draft gains in its channel and berths.

The restoration of operating conditions is outlined in NORMAP I, the ruling elaborated with the Maritime Authority for this sort of thing, available at codesa.gov.br. In addition, the directive includes operational requirements to be explored in each of the berths and access channels of the Port of Vitória, as well as other operating conditions relating to ship berthing.

Competitivity gains

The resumption of test maneuvers, to explore the 12.5m draft in the Vitória Channel, enhances the port’s operational capacity and, consequently, its competitiveness. Gains of up to 15,000 tonnes in the capacity to transport general cargo and bulk are estimated, also increasing the capacity of container ships to 1500 TEUs, which should generate up to a 10% reduction in sea freight prices and up to 20% reduction in logistics costs via the Port of Vitória.

The resumption of tests was communicated on the 6th by the Captaincy of the Ports of Espírito Santo, the Navy chapter in the state. The test maneuvers started on the 7th under the following conditions: entry maneuvers with a  range of 10.67m to 11.5m and exit maneuvers with a range of 11.51m to 12m.


The dredging services of the access channel, maneuvering basin and mooring berths of the Port of Vitória were carried out by the company Van Oord and cost around BRL 15 million. In addition, the operational and environmental management contracts for the work were at around R$ 700,000.00. The entire project was funded with the Company’s own resources.

The maintenance of the channel began on 12/25/2021, and the work ended in March 2022. The volume effectively dredged was 400,000 m³. The services were contracted with the main objective of restoring the operating conditions provided for in NORMAP I.

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