Ports and Terminals

Port of Paranaguá increases grain and meal operations by 30%

Jul, 12, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202228

The movement of grains and meals through the Port of Paranaguá Eastern Export Corridor (Corex) increased by 30% in June. In 30 days, 1,727,400 tonnes were loaded. In the same period of 2021, shipments through the complex totaled 1,327,596 tonnes of soybeans (grains and soy meal), corn, and, to a lesser extent, wheat.

“After three months of losses, comparing this year’s movement to 2021, the gain shown in the last month is noteworthy, owing mostly to soybeans and maize. In June, 984,878 tonnes of soybeans were delivered, a 26.2 percent increase over the same month in 2021 (780,388 tonnes),” says Portos do Paraná. 

According to the public company, concerning corn, last year, in those same 30 days, there were no shipments in the Eastern Corridors. “This year, however, the volume loaded at the complex reached 333,139 tonnes,” he highlights. “The only product to register a drop was soybean meal. In 2021, in June, the volume shipped was 547,208 tonnes. This year, 409,383 tonnes,” he adds.

“In the year to date, Corex saw 9,420,561 tonnes of bulk shipped through its 11 integrated terminals. Compared to the same six months last year, with 9,004,553 tonnes, the increase is 4%,” notes Portos do Paraná.


According to the Port, all this movement registered in the shipment of grains and bran also caused an increase in the volume of trucks circulating in the Public Sorting Yard, which occurs before unloading solid bulk for export at the Port of Paranaguá.

“In June last year, 28,602 vehicles arrived at the site. This year, in the same month, there were 33,407 – 17% more. In this first semester, 210,262 trucks passed through the yard. In the period, in 2021, there were 214,721 vehicles,” concludes the state-owned company.

Source: Folha do Litoral

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