Ports and Terminals

Port of Belém exports teak wood in break bulk vessel

Jul, 13, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros


Last weekend, after seven days of operations, the vessel MV Liberator set sail from the Port of Belém carrying 40,000 teak logs bound for the port of Kandla, India. The voyage is expected to last 40 days. The wood was produced by the Teak Resources Company (TRC). The Atlântica Matapi Group conducted the port operation.

In total, 15,200 tonnes of wood were loaded onto the vessel. That was the first time in Brazil that teak logs were placed inside a breakbulk ship for a transatlantic trip. This kind of vessel is usually used to transport cargo in bags, boxes, crates, drums, barrels, and low-perishable items. In addition, these ships serve various customer demands simultaneously to “split” the freight cost.

The idea of transporting wood logs in a breakbulk model comes precisely at a time when the logistics sector is facing the challenges imposed by the pandemic, which led to the shortage of containers upon the recovery of the global economy. Before, wood loads were exported in containers through Vila do Conde, in Barcarena.

André Gonçalves, a consultant at RA Comex Trading, says that this is an operation that had never happened in Pará. “The fact that we were able to conduct such a pioneer operation within the state, within our city, where the port had been inoperative, opens doors and shows that the Port of Belém is still in good enough conditions to work and to assist in cargo operation,” commented him.

Source: DOL

To read the full original article, please go to: https://dol.com.br/noticias/para/731294/porto-do-para-entra-para-historia-do-setor-madeireiro?d=1

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