Cubo Itaú, Wilson Sons, Porto do Açu, Hidrovias do Brasil and Radix present maritime and port hubs
Jul, 13, 2022 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202228
Cubo Itaú, a center for innovation and promotion of technological entrepreneurship, alongside Wilson Sons, Porto do Açu, Hidrovias do Brasil, and Radix announced the creation of Cubo Maritime & Port, the first hub focused on using innovation to make port operations and water transport in Latin America more efficient, safe, and sustainable.
The initiative aims to provide integration between the different ends of the ecosystem to accelerate innovation in the waterway sector in Latin America, a market with great potential, in addition to opening up the entry of international ship techs (technology companies in the industry) to work and share their experiences with Brazil.
Cubo Maritime & Port expects to become a reference in the industry for innovation and technological development, with the long-term goal of encouraging the proliferation and development of new technologies in Latin America, in addition to the connection with innovation centers, universities, and authorities. The Latin American and Caribbean region contains 118 port areas, 36 of which are in Brazil.
According to mapping by Wilson Sons and information from worldwide innovation programs, the ship tech segment contains more than 500 companies that create technology efficiency solutions worldwide. However, this mapping indicates no more than 20 companies operating directly in Brazil, which is still a small number compared to the market potential.
“Startups can develop technology more quickly, an important characteristic of the sector. To be able to apply and produce technology in Latin America, we need international entrepreneurs operating here and sharing their knowledge, as well as local businesses scaling to meet demand,” offers Paulo Costa, CEO of Cubo Itaú.
Cubo Maritime & Port is also a chance for firms to leverage open innovation and foster collaboration among big corporations, supporting local startups to do more business and broadening the discussion to make port technology accessible.
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