exportações de carne bovina - brazil beef exports 2019

Brazil’s Minerva sees zoonotic risks unjustifiably blocking trade

Jul, 27, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202230

Unreasonable animal health risk assessments continue to hamper the global meat trade, the director of institutional affairs at Brazilian beef processor Minerva BEEF3.SA, Joao Sampaio, said on Tuesday.

To give an example, Sampaio mentioned Turkey, which refuses to import beef from Brazil but does buy live cattle from the country.

“They don’t import beef, alleging the risk of foot-and-mouth disease,” Sampaio said during a panel discussion on animal health. “But Turkey imports live cattle, which is even riskier.”

Turkey would rather import live cattle and slaughter the animal domestically because of religious factors, according to Sampaio.

The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) describes the foot-and-mouth disease as “a severe, highly contagious viral disease of livestock that has a significant economic impact.”

In 2018, the OIE declared Brazil, the world’s largest beef exporter, free of foot-and-mouth disease with vaccination.

This year, Brazil’s agriculture ministry decided to suspend vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease in six states from November 2022, according to state-run news agency Agencia Brasil.

That means 113 million cattle and buffaloes would no longer be vaccinated, which corresponds to almost 50% of the country’s total herd, Agencia Brasil said, citing the ministry.

The suspension is part of a program to expand foot-and-mouth disease-free zones without vaccination.

The Brazilian government’s goal is for the country to become totally free of the disease without vaccination by 2026.

See below the track record of beef shipments to key commercial partners of Brazil, China, the U.S., and Egypt from January 2021 to May 22. The data are from the platform DataLiner.

Brazilian beef exports to key markets | Jan 2021 – May 2022 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Indonesia is another market Brazil could increase beef trade with, Sampaio said, saying that country selectively imports beef from Brazil but bans certain plants and locations, citing zoonotic concerns. “Now, Indonesia faces a foot-and-month disease outbreak,” Sampaio said.

The health scare comes at a time when Indonesia’s imports of live cattle from Australia dropped, disrupting internal supplies. “We need to negotiate more, open more markets,” Sampaio said.

Source: Money Times

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.moneytimes.com.br/minerva-ve-risco-sanitario-como-entrave-injustificado-para-comercio/

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