Ports and Terminals

Fishing Sector demands completion of Storni berths at Puerto Madryn

Mar, 25, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201913

Exporters of seafood, especially squid, shrimp, and hake, have been suffering due to the logistical bottleneck that is impacting Puerto Madryn in Argentina’s Patagonia. Delays to completing the superstructure of one of the berths (see Sitio 2 in the map below) has led to shipping delays and forced carriers to charge demurrage to shippers. At the end of last year Maersk announced a US$1,000 per container charge, according to Nuestromar. Vessels are facing delays of one to four days after entering Golfo Nuevo, while waiting to dock.

Last year, repairs to piles at the Almirante Storni berths were concluded, but no plans were finalized for completing Sitio 2. The port, therefore, continues to operate under capacity by as much as 30%.

The Puerto Madryn Authority (APPM), backed by various players in the port and fishing sectors, has demanded the Ministry of Transport take action into the matter and ensure the completion of the superstructure of Sitio 2. A total of AR$180m is required to finish the works and bring the berths back to full operation.


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