Ports and Terminals

Port of Pecém buys four new cranes to increase operational capacity

Aug, 10, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202223

The Port Industrial Complex of Pecém received four new cranes to expand its operational capacity.

State governor Izolda Cela stressed that the new acquisitions strengthened Ceará’s standing on the world stage of exports. “The Pecém Complex has been continuously investing, expanding, and improving its structures. The arrival of four new pieces of equipment will favor many productivity gains in container throughput. This is important for time management, security, and stability [of operations],” she said.

The head of the State Executive was accompanied by the secretary of Economic Development and Labor, Maia Júnior; the president of the Pecém Complex, Danilo Serpa; and other executives and employees.

The four pieces of equipment arrived in Ceará on the Zhen Hua 16 last Saturday (6th). The vessel left the Port of Shanghai, China, and sailed for 56 days until docking at the Port of Pecém. The investment of R$ 150 million was made by APM Terminals, one of the operational service providers of the Port of Pecém.

The three e-RTGs are currently at the harbor and are the first of their kind to operate in Ceará. With them, the handling of containers in the yard, which was done exclusively by reach-stacker forklifts, will be partially replaced by the new Port of Pecém cranes.

The operation of the e-RTGs will improve access to containers positioned in the TMUT storage yard at the Port of Pecém, allowing the manipulation and stacking of containers. In addition, the models acquired for Pecém are electric and do not use diesel as fuel.

The new STS (Ship to Shore) super crane, also known as a portainer, will land later this week. The machinery is used to load and unload containers aboard ships quickly.

The STS weighs 1630 tonnes and measures 89 meters high, the equivalent of a 29-story building. Such a massive size favor leads to gains in speed and safety thanks to the kind of movements these cranes are designed to make. With this new acquisition, Pecém now counts on three STS cranes for its container operations.

In 2021, the Ceará port terminal container throughput totaled 410,557 TEUs (unit referring to a 20-foot container), a growth of 8.7% compared to handling in 2020 when 377,726 TEUs passed through the Port of Pecém.

See below the container throughput at the Port of Pecém from January 2019 to Jun 2022. The chart below was designed with data collected by Datamar’s business intelligence team on the DataLiner platform.

Container throughput at Pecém | Jan 2019 – Jun 2022 | TEUs

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Currently, container operations are responsible for approximately ¼ of all cargo handled at the Port of Pecém. Last year, 5,389,230 tonnes of containerized cargo were handled at the Ceará port.

Source: Focus

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.focus.jor.br/capacidade-operacional-do-porto-do-pecem-sera-ampliada-com-quatro-novos-equipamentos/

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