Ports and Terminals

Ports on Brazil’s northern coast stand out in soybeans and corn operations

Aug, 16, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202233

For the first time, the ports of so-called Brazil’s ‘Northern Arc,’ a group of ports on the country’s northern coast,  handled more soybeans and corn than other regions of Brazil.

In the first half of this year, the terminals up in the North region – plus  Maranhão – were responsible for 51% of the movement of both grains.

The data were presented by the National Waterway Transportation Agency (Antaq) on the 15th.


While 41.5 million tonnes of soybeans and corn passed through the country’s Northern Arc, the other ports registered movement of 40 million tonnes of commodities.

The region’s participation in port transportation has increased year after year. In 2010, ports in the area were responsible for only 23% of soybeans and corn exported, compared to 77% in the other regions.

Encompassing ports such as Santarém, Santana, Itaqui, and Ilhéus, in addition to terminals such as Vila do Conde and Ponta da Montanha, the Northern Arc is located at a shorter distance from the ports of Europe and Asia and has received more transport infrastructure and terminal installation in recent years.

According to analysts from Antaq, in addition to the region’s steady growth, it has benefited, in the first half, from the drought faced southwards, which reduced grain throughput in the other ports.

Source: Canal Rural

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.canalrural.com.br/noticias/agricultura/arco-norte-ultrapassa-outros-portos-em-movimentacao-de-soja-e-milho/


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