Ports and Terminals

Cocaine shipped from Paranagua is seized in Santa Catarina

Aug, 16, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202233

The Brazilian Federal Revenue Service and the Federal Police seized, on August 15, about 550 kg of cocaine on a ship that was docked at a port terminal in the municipality of Navegantes, Santa Catarina. The drug was found in a container loaded onto the ship when it was docked at the Port of Paranaguá.

The container, which would be destined for the port of Gioia Tauro in Italy, was selected for inspection after Federal Revenue personnel noticed a divergence in the scanner’s image.

With the help of a scent dog, a load with almost 600 kg of cocaine was detected.

This was the third cocaine seizure carried out by the Federal Revenue Service at the Itajaí/Navegantes port complex in 2022, totaling more than a ton of drugs seized.

Source: Agora Litoral

To read the full original article, please go to: https://agoralitoral.com.br/noticias/cocaina-que-saiu-de-paranagua-e-apreendida-em-porto-catarinense/

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