EU-Mercosur agreement / acordo UE-Mercosul
Trade Regulations

Europe moves closer to sealing deal with Mercosur

Aug, 16, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202233

According to Reuters News Agency, representatives of the European Union recently approached the Brazilian administration in order to restart negotiations with Mercosur. According to the country’s government, the pandemic and the war in Ukraine have prompted redesigning of global value chains, strengthening Brazil’s bargaining power.

The EU has been claiming that it would send a proposal to Brazil mainly related to topics of environmental concern since 2021, but the news around deforestation in the Amazon damaged the image of the Bolsonaro administration abroad.

“This discussion was buried; they returned to discuss the agreement between Mercosur and the European Union precisely because they need agro-based, mineral, and energy commodities; they can no longer rely on Russia; there is a problem of supply chain disruption, and there is an excessive reliance on Asia,” said an anonymous source quoted by Reuters.

A European ambassador informed the agency that communication would be re-established to conduct a fresh round of discussions with Brazil. The Europeans have stated that they are interested in ratifying the deal, and the two sides of the table will negotiate the conditions. “A new dynamism emerged. The movement toward negotiations was paralyzed and now walks again,” he explained.

This interaction occurred on the eve of the Brazilian presidential campaign, which began on the 16th, with current President Jair Bolsonaro and former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva leading the polls. The latter recently stated that he would request the EU to resume negotiations on the agreement to include environmental protection, human rights, and technology issues.

Source: Agrolink

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