Ports and Terminals

Port of Santos YTD throughput rises 7.3% to 95.5m tonnes

Aug, 26, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202234

Port of Santos cargo throughput in July and the first seven months of the year showed significant growth. With a continuous increase in the year, the port recorded the movement of 95.5 million tonnes, a rise of 7.3%, the highest mark for this period. In July alone, the result was 12.5 million tonnes handled (the best mark for that month), up 15.3% from 2021.

Exports accounted for the largest share of this volume, totaling 69.7 million tonnes (+8.6%), and imports reached 25.7 million tonnes (+4.0%).

Corn was the main highlight in cargo handling, with 2.3 million tonnes in the month (+104%) and 4.1 million tonnes YTD to July (+132%).

Containerized cargo also grew by double digits (+10.9%) in July, totaling 440.7 thousand TEU, the second highest historical mark and the highest for the month, and 2.8 million TEU in the first seven months, an increase of 1.6%.

See below the track record of container exports and imports at the Port of Santos from January 2019 to June 2022. The data is from the platform DataLiner developed by Datamar.

Container throughput at the Port of Santos | Jan 2019 – Jun 2022 | TEUs

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

As for the year-to-date results, the goods that stood out the most were the soy complex goods (soybeans and meal), with 28.4 million tonnes (+10.3); pulp, with 4.6 million tonnes (+59.9%); meat cuts, with 1.3 million tonnes (+36.1%); and diesel, with 1.3 million tonnes (+23.7%). Fertilizer landings totaled 4.8 million tonnes (+17.3%).

In turn, during the course of July, sugar shipments stood out with 2.1 million tonnes (+9.2%). Other highlights were cellulose pulp, with 688.0 thousand tonnes (+57.5%), and diesel oil, with 163.9 thousand tonnes (+21.9%). In import landings, the top-ranking item was salt, with 95.1 thousand tonnes (+184.9%), and wheat, with 117.1 thousand tonnes (+42.2%).

The flow of ships also grew, with 465 berths in July (+16.0%) and 3,007 in the year (+5.2).

Solid bulk items totaled 49.4 million tonnes of the year’s throughput at the Port of Santos, up 9.9%. The share of soybeans in this volume was 51.2%; sugar accounted for 20.2%; soybean meal for 11.9%; and corn, 9.2%.

Liquid bulk operations reached 11.0 million tonnes, up 3.5%. In this segment, the share of diesel was 24.2%; fuel oil represented 18.7%; citrus juices accounted for 13.5%; caustic soda for 8.6%; gasoline 6.9%; and alcohol 4.5%.

Trade flow

The share of the Port of Santos in Brazilian trade reached 28.9% in July (US$ 100.796 million). China represented 31.3% of the national commercial transactions that involved the Port of Santos. São Paulo remained the state with the most participation (52.7%) in commercial interactions with other countries via the Santos port complex.

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