Ports and Terminals

Brazilian police launches operation to investigate international drug trafficking at Port of Santos

Aug, 26, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202234

The Brazilian Federal Police launched an operation, “Graxa II” (grease II), to stop criminal associations focused on international drug trafficking at the Port of Santos. On August 24, the federal agents executed a search and seizure warrant issued by the Federal Court.

According to the organization, “Graxa II” was motivated by a police investigation that seized 1,273.5 kg of cocaine. The drug was hidden in a cargo load of oil residue bound for Portugal.

The Port of Santos is one of the exit routes for narcotics from South America to other countries, as stated in a note authored by the Federal Police. “In 2022 alone, as a result of cooperation between agencies, the expansion of inspections and intelligence work, more than 14 tonnes of cocaine were seized by us,” the organization informed.

The Federal Police explained that the operation’s name was chosen because of the grease used to conceal the narcotic in the oil shipment.

Source: G1

To read the full original article, please go to: https://g1.globo.com/sp/santos-regiao/porto-mar/noticia/2022/08/25/policia-federal-faz-operacao-de-combate-ao-trafico-internacional-de-drogas-pelo-porto-de-santos.ghtml

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