Complex of soy and second corn storehouses and processing plants in Lucas Rio Verde - Mato Grosso

Good weather boosts Brazil’s second corn crop

Mar, 28, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201914

According to a Reuters poll, favorable weather and a larger planted area will significantly increase Brazil’s second corn crop in the 2018/19 crop year. Based on the average estimate of 10 forecasters, Brazil may yield 66.22m tons of second crop corn in the 2018/19 season, up 22% compared to the previous cycle.

Second corn planting happens between February and March in Brazil after the soybean harvest, and harvesting takes place between July and August. The country’s second corn planted area grew 4.8% to 12.09m hectares in the current season according to the poll.

Brazil’s Department of Rural Economy (Deral) data estimates Paraná state’s second corn yield, which is in the final stages of planting, will reach 13m tons, compared to 12.76m tons in the previous season.

Conab expects Brazil’s corn shipments to reach a record 31m tons this year in light of the increased production. Brazil exported 24.7m tons in the 2017/18 season.

The following DataLiner graph shows Brazil’s corn export trends for the last ten years:

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