Ports and Terminals

Portocel terminal cleared to receive larger vessels

Sep, 06, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202236

The Brazilian Navy’s Captaincy of Ports authorized Portocel, Suzano, and Cenibra’s terminal in Aracruz to receive ships up to 230 meters in length and 85 thousand deadweight tons,  21% more than the capacity allowed until now. In addition, the width of the access channel was increased by 2 meters, making it 160 meters.

This is part of a series of improvement works implemented in the port complex in recent years to increase capacity, efficiency, and operation range. Portocel was initially built to transport the pulp production of the former Aracruz and Cenibra.

Nowadays, in addition to the original product, the Portocel terminal handles other cargoes, including steel, industrial parts, ornamental stones, and water-soluble cellulose.

See below the track record of the volume exported via Portocel from Jan. 2019 to July 2022. The data below is from DataLiner.

Exports via Portocel | Jan 2019 – Jul 2022 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

The terminal’s newest customer, LD Celulose, which recently inaugurated a factory between Indianópolis and Araguari, Minas Gerais, is already shipping through Portocel.

Approximately 500 thousand tonnes are set to be exported through Aracruz.

Portocel invested around BRL 38 million to accommodate the increase in capacity in infrastructural adjustments, including expanding the rail branch and the area covered by the tracks.

Source: A Gazeta

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.agazeta.com.br/colunas/abdo-filho/portocel-obtem-autorizacao-para-receber-navios-de-maior-capacidade-0922

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