Ports and Terminals

Throughput in the terminals of Valparaíso drop 7.5% in July

Sep, 09, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202236

The total cargo throughput in the port terminals of Valparaíso was 4.16 million tonnes in July, a decline of 7.5% year-on-year, according to figures from Chile’s National Institute of Statistics (INE).

In turn, in a month-on-month comparison, the decrease was 0.06 million tonnes, that is, 1.5%. In the first seven months of 2022, approximately 30.85 tonnes flowed through the area, 1.19 million tonnes less than in the same period of the previous year (-3.75%).

Containerized cargo represented 48.5% of all operations, reaching 1.85 million tonnes, a positive variation of 3% YoY. The other types of cargo together amounted to 1.97 million tonnes (51.5% of the total).

In particular, gaseous liquid bulk constituted 30.8% of foreign trade operations, with a positive variation of 7.3%, whereas solid bulk corresponded to 14.9%, with loose cargo reaching 5.8%.

In July 2022, 216,811 TEUs passed through Valparaíso’s ports, growing 13.8% compared to the same period of the previous year, the equivalent of 26,262 TEUs.

Compared to July 2021, the movement of 40-foot containers registered an increase of 14.3%, adding 11,893 units. Meanwhile, the movement of 20-foot boxes grew 10.4%, which translates into 2,476 more containers.

As for the YTD figures for 2022, 1,563,628 TEUs have been operated, equivalent to +3.9%.

Source: Portal Portuario

To read the full original article, please go to: https://portalportuario.cl/carga-movilizada-en-terminales-de-la-region-de-valparaiso-retrocede-75-en-julio/

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