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Brazil medical devices exports reach USD 585M year to date

Sep, 29, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202239

The Brazilian medical devices export market attained USD 81.3 million in exports at the end of August, a growth of 21.5% year-on-year and 9.5% compared to the USD 74.2 million exported in July.

Year to date, this market sector sold US$ 582 million abroad, representing an increase of 12.5% compared to the US$ 517 million exported between January and August 2021. Looking closely at the data for the first eight months of the year, it becomes evident that the sale of medical-hospital devices, as well as dental care items, was decisive in attaining good results as they increased, respectively, by 18.24% and 25.38%.

On the other hand, laboratory and rehabilitation businesses registered an average decrease of 6.8% from 2021.

See below the track record of exports of medical equipment (NCM codes HS 9018 to HS 9021) from January 2021 to August 2022. The data is from DataLiner.

Exports of Medical Equipment | Jan 2021 – Aug 2022 | TEUs

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

According to José Fernando Dantas, market access analyst at the Brazilian Medical Devices Industry Association (Abimo), some aspects contributed to this positive sequence of results.

“As the dollar appreciates against the real, Brazilian exporters gain competitiveness. In addition, we have seen a positive outcome from our actions during the covid-19 pandemic, demonstrating to the world that we have a strong industry capable of producing high-quality items and excellent cost-benefit,” he says.

“It is of utmost importance to invest in internationalization and presence in international events outside of the national territory in order to strengthen our presence in the foreign market,” adds Dantas.

The American continent continues as the main destination for Brazilian exports of medical devices, with the United States, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, and Colombia ranking at the top of the list.

Products from the medical-hospital segment, mainly consumables, and implants, are among the most exported by Brazil this year. Ethylene polymer bags and pouches, heart valves, sterilized catguts, and adhesive dressings are examples of the most exported products.

The analysis above was done by the Abimo team based on data from the Ministry of Economy.

Source: Mirian Gasparin

To read the full original article, please go to: https://miriangasparin.com.br/2022/09/exportacoes-de-dispositivos-medicos-us-582-milhoes-este-ano/

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